In order to ensure that our business conforms to this quality requirement, the Al-Mwahib Co. has established and implemented an effective Quality Manage- ment System which complies with Quality System Standard .Our Quality Manual and its associated operating procedures describe the poli- cies, objectives and inter-relationships of the Al-Mwahib Co., together with inter- faces to personnel operating within the Quality Management System. Our perfor- mance is reviewed and all relevant data analyzed by the Quality Team on a regular basis and measurable objectives and targets are set annually to ensure continual improvement of the system.The Quality System is approved by the shareholders and is supported by all levels of management within the company. It is also subject to annual review for continuing sufficiency.Our personnel have received training to ensure that they understand the poli- cies, objectives and inter-relationships of the Quality System. All personnel are responsible for the implementation of those parts of the Quality Management System applicable to their activities and for achieving the specified quality stan- dards. They are als

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